Tangibility has a closer link to our memory than images on the screen. Do you remember all the photos in your phone? Or is it easier to remember that photo that you framed and hung on the wall or just stuck on the fridge, or it's there on your nightstand or work desk? When memories become tangible, the beauty of that moment comes back to mind more easily. That is why I always suggest to anyone who wants to get a portrait or create a memory of a special moment, opt for film photography. Film photography has a soul in the same way that an old record player (where some of you used to listen to music) has a soul. It is THE BEST for capturing all the details. It has a timeless aesthetic. It is definitely not a process that can be rushed for convenience, as the film takes the intention of the photographer. It's also more of an experience for the person being photographed, because you can't see how it turned out right away. And it's absolutely safer in terms of image loss once it's developed. I can go on and on about how great film photography is, but I will continue to show you film photos I took instead.